lumia selfie app
lumia selfie app

LumiaSelfieisafreePhoto&VideoApp:LumiaSelfieistheperfectappfortakingselfportraitswithyourfrontormaincameraandsharingthemwithyour ...,2015年5月1日—ThisselfieappbyJPBrothersIncletsyoutakeselfieswithover100real-timeeffects.Thismeansyoucanseeaneffect...


Lumia影像應用程式是由微軟移動(之前由諾基亞)為微軟Lumia開發基於Scalado技術的應用程式(最初是為Symbian和MeeGo設備開發)。Lumia影像應用程式早期都在名稱前面 ...

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Download Lumia Selfie XAP File for Windows Phone

Lumia Selfie is a free Photo & Video App: Lumia Selfie is the perfect app for taking self portraits with your front or main camera and sharing them with your ...

Lumia Selfie (Windows)

2015年5月1日 — This selfie app by JP Brothers Inc lets you take selfies with over 100 real-time effects. <br><br> This means you can see an effect live before ...

Lumia Selfie for Windows Phone

Lumia Selfie is the perfect app for taking self portraits with your front or main camera and sharing them with your friends. It's easy to capture the.

Lumia Selfie app problem

2016年4月26日 — You perform the soft reset by having your phone turned on. Then press and hold the volume down + power buttons until your phone vibrates and ...

Lumia Selfie app: Creating perfect self

May 4, 2020 - Say cheese! With the new Lumia Selfie app. You might ask, what is beatification? Well, let us introduce you to the Lumia Selfie app.

Lumia Selfie app: Creating perfect self-portraits

2014年9月30日 — The app's wide range of high quality effects fine-tune and further beautify your self-portraits. Providing extra fun are special effects such as ...

Lumia Selfie 應用程序更新以支持將寶藏標籤用作遙控快門

Lumia Selfie 應用程序今天在Windows Phone 商店中更新到v3.5.0.37。 此更新增加了使用寶藏標籤作為遠程快門的功能。 拍攝時會自動保存所有照片。


Lumia影像應用程式是由微軟移動(之前由諾基亞)為微軟Lumia開發基於Scalado技術的應用程式(最初是為Symbian和MeeGo設備開發)。Lumia影像應用程式早期都在名稱前面 ...

Microsoft Lumia 640 -

Glam up your selfieUse the Lumia Selfie app to take cool selfies. Your photo is enhanced and ready to be shared in a snap.To download the Lumia Selfie app ...

Microsoft Selfie on the App Store

Microsoft Selfie is a selfie and photo enhancement application available on iOS, web and WeChat. Backed by computer vision technology, Microsoft Selfie ...


LumiaSelfieisafreePhoto&VideoApp:LumiaSelfieistheperfectappfortakingselfportraitswithyourfrontormaincameraandsharingthemwithyour ...,2015年5月1日—ThisselfieappbyJPBrothersIncletsyoutakeselfieswithover100real-timeeffects.

Thismeansyoucanseeaneffectlivebefore ...,LumiaSelfieistheperfectappfortakingselfportraitswithyourfrontormaincameraandsharingthemwithyourfriends.It'seasy...